Climb Scoring/Bonuses

Each climb that is completed by a climber earns a score. Determining the score for a climb is determined using the following method:

  1. The climb number of the completed climb is multiplied by 100 to determine the Base Score.
  2. If the climb is flashed (no falls on the first attempt) a Flash Bonus* of 20 points is added to the Base Score.
  3. If the climb is a roped route and is completed on lead, a Lead Bonus of 45 points is added to the Base Score. (prior to the 2023-24 season this was a 30 point bonus) It is possible to complete a climb on lead that has previously been attempted or completed on top rope and earn the Lead Bonus, however, the climber may not also earn the Flash Bonus since there was a prior attempt on the climb.
  4. When a climb is flashed and/or completed on lead a Climb # Bonus is added to the Base Score. The Climb # Bonus is simply the number of the climb completed, and this bonus is only added to the Base Score one time even if the climb is both flashed and completed on lead.

    * If a climber has made an attempt on a climb prior to the competition (during warm-up or on another day prior to the competition) that climber may NOT earn the flash bonus even if they complete the climb with zero falls. The climber must report the prior attempt during score submission when prompted by the online score submission system.


Scenario #1) A climber finishes boulder problem #12 but falls at least once… the climber will earn the Base Score of 1200 points

Scenario #2) A climber finishes boulder problem #12 without falling (ie. flashed)…. that climber will earn the Base Score of 1200 points + the Flash bonus of 20 points + the Route # Bonus of 12 points… the climber will earn a total score of 1232 points.

Scenario #3) A climber finishes roped route #12 on lead but falls at least once.. that climber will earn the Base Score of 1200 points + the Lead Bonus of 45 points + the Route # Bonus of 12 points… the climber will earn a total score of 1257 points.

Scenario #4) A climber finishes roped route #12 on lead without falling (ie. flashed)…. that climber will earn the Base Score of 1200 points + the Lead Bonus of 45 points + the Flash Bonus of 20 points + the Route # Bonus of 12 points… the climber will earn a total score of 1277 points.

Individual Scores

At each comp 5 climbs will ideally be submitted to determine the overall score for a climber. Smaller venues may deem it necessary to score fewer than 5 climbs. Additionally, climbers do not have to submit the maximum allowed number of climbs to earn a score. The following are typical comp expectations for climbs to score:

  • Roped Only Comps – The top 3 scoring roped routes will be submitted.
  • Bouldering Only Comps – The top 5 scoring bouldering problems will be submitted.
  • Mixed Comps – The top 2 scoring bouldering problems and top 2 scoring roped routes plus the next highest scoring climb of either type will be submitted.

​Team Scores

A team score will be earned when a minimum of three individuals from the same gender from the same high school earn an individual score. The team score is the sum of the top three scores of those members of the high school team.

During the regular season, any school that has fewer than 3 climbers earn an individual score will not earn a team score.

Tie Scores

Falls do not count against the score of a climber other than disallowing the addition of a flash bonus. Two climbers who end the comp with the same overall score will have the tie broken by fall count. The climber with the fewer falls will be ranked higher in the individual standings. Climbers who have the same overall score and the same fall count will remain tied in the individual standings unless they are tied for first place at a championship competition. In this case both climbers compete in a tie-breaking climb.