To view current season CO State Qualification Allocations and Qualifier Lists, please click here
To view information about the State Comp, please click here
Regional Championship Qualification
- Climbers must compete in a minimum of 3 comps within their home region to qualify for the Regional Comp
(climbers may compete out of their region for the experience but any out-of-region comp will not count toward Regional Comp or State Comp qualification nor will those results be included in season stats/rankings)
- Each Region will host a Regional Comp for all climbers who have qualified with a “Boys” classification and a “Girls” classification.
- At the conclusion of the Regional Comp, climbers will be ranked based upon their State Qualification Composite Score (SQCS). The SQCS will be computed by the following formula:
State Championship Qualification
Varsity Wave Climbers
The State Varsity Comp will be split into two waves. The Boys Varsity Wave of 64 climbers and the Girls Varsity Wave of 64 climbers will be held at different times to allow all climbers ample time to complete their scorecards. The 64 climbers of each gender will be allocated according to the following:
- Each region is guaranteed to send their top 10 ranked male and top 10 ranked female climbers to the State Competition based upon the SQCS. These climbers will participate in the Varsity classification
- An additional 24 “at-large” Varsity male and 24 “at-large” Varsity female climbers will be allocated between the 4 regions based upon participation rate. Participation rate will be computed by the following formula:
- The number of climbers eligible to compete at their Regional Comp for a given region by gender will be divided by the total of all statewide climbers eligible to compete at their Regional Comp by gender.
- The number computed will be converted to a percent and compared to the percent of climbers who will automatically qualify from the region (15.625%). Regions with less than 15.625% participation will not receive additional at-large
spots. Regions with more than 15.625% participation will divide up the 24 at large spots proportional to their participation rates in order to match the number of state qualifiers from the region as closely as possible to the
region participation percentage. Numbers will be rounded to nearest whole numbers and assigned to each region as the additional number of “at-large” climbers to invite to the Varsity Wave of the State Comp.
- If the computed number of “at-large” spots granted is fewer than 24, an additional “at-large” spot will be granted to the region that is most under-represented when considering total % of climbers who qualified for their Regional vs the % of climbers being sent to State as a varsity climber. If multiple regions are equivalently most under-represented, each will receive an additional “at-large” spot even if the total will exceed 24.
- If the computed number of “at-large” spots granted is more than 24, an “at-large” spot will be removed from the region that is most over-represented when considering total % of climbers who qualified for their Regional vs the % of climbers being sent to State as a varsity climber. If multiple regions are equivalently most over-represented, no region will lose an “at-large” spot if doing so would decrease the number of “at-large” spots below 24. Additionally, no region will have any guaranteed spots removed as a result of “at-large” adjustments.
- “At-large” spots will be filled by the next highest ranking climbers from the region according to the SQCS who have not already been granted a spot.
- There will be a separate computation performed for the male and female “at-large” climber spots.
JV Wave Climbers
The State JV Comp will be a single wave of 40 male and 40 female climbers. The 40 climbers of each gender will be allocated according to the following:
- Each region is guaranteed to send their top 8 ranked male and top 8 ranked female climbers to the State Competition based upon the SQCS who have not already been invited to the Varsity classification.
- An additional 8 “at-large” JV male and 8 “at-large” JV female climbers will be allocated between the 4 regions based upon participation rate (as previously described for Varsity “at-large” spots).
Unfilled Spots for State
- Any unfilled spots for the Varsity Waves or the JV Wave will be filled:
- Within the region with the next best ranked climbers able to attend, or
- Distributed to other regions by decision of the Regional Directors Committee in the event a region is unable to send their allotment of climbers to the State Comp.
Middle School Championship
Each region will hold a Middle School Regional Championship during the High School Regional Championship. There is not presently a middle school state championship competition. Middle school climbers must have competed in 3 regular season comps to qualify for the Middle School Regional Championship.