1. Competitions will either be scheduled for a single day or over multiple days (“Comp Window”). Gyms may choose to close the gym to the general public for single day events or may operate multiple day comps during regular or extended gym hours. Pay close attention to the information posted for each comp since comp details may differ from week to week.
  2. Climbers must obtain a scorecard from the front desk when they check in at the gym. All falls must be marked for any failed attempt, and a witness signature is required for any completed climb. Witnesses can only be gym employees, ASCL climbers, or ASCL coaches.
  3. Climbers will have a specified maximum amount of time (“Time Period”) to climb competition routes. The following rules apply to the specified Time Period:
    • The Time Period may differ from comp to comp. It is the responsibility of the climber to know the specified Time Period for each comp.
    • The Time Period must be continuous and may not be broken into smaller blocks of time over the day or over multiple days during the Comp Window. For instance, if a comp has a 2 hour Time Period, a climber who begins climbing at 3pm on Wednesday must finish by 5pm on that same Wednesday.
    • Climbers may only submit a scorecard for their first Time Period of competition climbing. Climbers may not attempt to climb competition routes then later return and re-climb competition routes to improve their score. For instance, if a climber climbs from 3pm to 5pm on Wednesday, the climber must submit a scorecard for that Time Period and may not come back later to try again.
  4. When a climber has completed their competition, they must submit climbs intended for scoring through the online scoring system within the hour. Climbers will access the online scoring system via their My Account page on the the ASCL website.
  5. Scorecards will not be scored until a photo of each completed side of the scorecard is submitted to the online scoring system.