• Create Account
  • Coach Info
  • Confirm and Submit

To begin creating your account, you must enter a unique email account below and choose a strong password...

If you coach more than one high school or middle school team, please follow up by email to [email protected] and indicate the additional teams you coach so you will have access to all of your climbers in your coach account.

Please allow up to 72 hours for your account to be activated. Upon account activation, you will need to upload required documents, agree to certain terms and conditions, and complete appropriate training modules prior to being certified in the League.

You will be required to upload a recent criminal background check as well proof of valid First Aid/CPR training at your own expense. To obtain a criminal background check, please click here.

By clicking "Submit" below, I confirm that the information I have provided is accurate and I am authorized to submit this information to become a coach in the American Scholastic Climbing League.