American Scholastic Climbing League
Please Note: Unique Email Requirement
Parent/Guardian #1
Parent/Guardian #2
I understand that after this account is created I (or my climber) will not be able to compete at a competition or submit results for a competition until numerous account requirements have been completed. Fulfilling these requirements may take 30-45 minutes, so I will plan enough time to log into the account to complete these prior to the start of the first competition. I also understand that if I (or my climber) continue to participate in the ASCL that these are annual requirements and must be completed prior to competing at the start of each new season. These requirements include (but are not limited to): 1) Having a parent/guardian agree to our online waiver. 2) Having the climber agree to the ASCL Rules & Code of Conduct. 3) Watching and taking a brief quiz over the ASCL Virtual Competitors Meeting to learn the basic expectations at a competition. 4) Confirming that the school entered during registration is the school I (or my climber) are allowed to compete for by ASCL School Affiliation Rules. 5) Completing a form acknowledging I (or my climber) have reviewed the ASCL High Priority Reminders for the season. 6) Paying the season registration fee unless my account is exempt from the individual payment requirement